Bayfield School Newsletter - Wednesday 25 November 2020


Bayfield School Newsletter - Wednesday 25th of November

 Inspired Today-Prepared for Tomorrow

Dates to Remember

 Monday 30th of November - Junior Swimming Starts

Tuesday 1st of December- Board of Trustees Meeting 

Thursday 3rd of December - Digital Expo

Friday 4th Diversity Assembly

A word from Kerri 

 We have made it to week 7, a first for this year! We have had and will continue to have a busy term and I know that children, teachers and families are feeling the effects of this challenging year.

 We are all so proud of the resilience and sense of community that has been shown over the past 3 terms and it was so nice to see parents at our Hayfields party and coming in to support their children at our annual business day. 

 There is quite a lot of organisation that goes into planning for the year ahead, this includes team dynamics (teachers, leaders and learning assistants), curriculum overviews, budget planning, assessments and review of our strategic and annual plans.

For 2021 we are determined to continue the improvement in our communications and this includes making amendments to how we share important information to our parents through our meet the team evening.

We are also working on our event schedules and making sure we continue using our fridge lists and notices system.

In the next two weeks we will share our teams for 2021, let you know of anyone moving on from Bayfield and our focus and curriculum for 2021.

Despite the disruption and challenges that 2020 has thrown at us, we feel we have come away with some new learnings and lessons which we intend to build on and continue to fine tune how we work at Bayfield School.

Library End of Year Information

 The end of the school year is fast approaching.  During December, the library does a stocktake.  This week is the final week for issuing. 

Next week, I need parents help in encouraging students to hunt at home and around the classroom for all library books to return.

 Dates to be aware of:

 Monday 30 November onwards, library time will be for returns only, browsing and Christmas stories. 

 Monday 7 December, the library will be CLOSED for tidying and shelf checking.  During this time (and through stocktake), a bin will be placed outside the library for returns.

 Final week- Library reopens.

This year, the incentive for the first class who bring all their books back will be “Where’s Wally” bookmarks.

If they find Wally on their bookmark, they can see me for a prize!

Thanks, Isa Rive

                                 Digital Technology Week 


Next week Bayfield students will be taking part in the international celebration of the Hour of Code. This one-hour introduction to digital technology is designed to demystify "code", to show that anybody can learn the basics, and to broaden participation in the field of computer science.

Each team will spend an hour during the week taking part in coding and unplugged challenges led by  Digital Ambassadors (Michaela, Nat, Sarah, Trish and Ash).   Please feel free to come and participate with students and witness first hand the skills, engagement and creativity that are encouraged by creative digital activities.

All sessions are from 1:40-2:40pm each day:







Kowhai Y2

Totara Y4

Titoki Y1

Pohutukawa Y3

Kauri Y5 and Y6 

 Business Day

Business Day was a wonderful success this week. The children were organised and so excited to finally bring together and sell the products they had spent so long developing.

 A big thank you to all the parents for the support of their children during this time. There was a lot of learning that has taken place around self management, relating to others, participating and contributing and financial literacy during these weeks.


Path of the People

 Construction of the Path began on Monday - the bright red trucks, hi-vis vests and diggers are providing lots of entertainment for our Bayfield children, staff and Playcentre families too. 

 Our incredible time capsule is ready to be buried!  The very important job of installing the time capsule’s concrete chamber is scheduled for Thursday, ready for the time capsule to be inserted and the lid put on the chamber on Tuesday next week.

 Then the concrete trucks will roll in... 

 This Friday our time capsule will be toured around the school to share the items that have been chosen. Our School Ambassadors (India H, Gaby, Aless, Sam N, Avery, Maia) ran a consultation process with small focus groups from each year level. More items are being added and a final sharing will happen before it is buried.

A special thank you to Mary, one of our amazing BCG representatives, who has led the time capsule process.

We also engaged some talented Kauri team artists who worked with Flox and Michelle (another amazing BCG representative) to decorate our time capsule with items representing each team. 

Ryan designed speech cards for Year 6 team

Katie designed the Bayfield tree with laptops and other remote learning items to represent Year 5 team

India designed a artists pallet to represent the Year 4 team and the art work completed during and after lockdown

Levi used the pohutukawa tree to represent our Year 3 team

Lincoln designed a kowhai flower with a computer to represent our Year 2 team

Lucy designed a teddy bear to represent the Year 0 and Year 1 teams.

 They have done an outstanding job and it almost looks too beautiful to bury.

 Time capsule year-group items:


Titoki/Titoki iti

Water bottle - for the drought


Paper kowhai flower


Padlock - lock down


Mini globe - global lockdown


Dog leash - all the pets we have got and dog walking we did.


Mask made of the different bandanas from camp


A toy car - to represent zoom

Office staff

QR code for Bayfield COVID-19 tracer app, notices etc.

Learning Assistants

Teddy Bear


Newspaper from the lock down

Leadership team

Lock down plan

Whole school

Class photos 


Photos of the fire, lock down memes


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