Bayfield School Newsletter - 10 March 2021
Bayfield School Newsletter - Wednesday 10th of March
nspired Today-Prepared for Tomorrow
Dates to Remember
Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th - Learning Conferences
Rescheduled Events
Monday 15th of March - BCG meeting in staffroom 6:45pm
Friday 19th of March - School Picnic 5pm-7:30pm
A word from Kerri
It has been so nice to be back at school and again “restart” the term. We really do appreciate how disruptive the start of the year has been and it has made us have to be very agile and responsive as a school and we have learned so much through this experience.
Despite the interruptions, our teachers have a comprehensive knowledge of the children in their teams and their learning journey. This is how and why they are able to differentiate the learning that is delivered to children at school and when we had to move to online learning.
But with the disruption to the school year with our two level 3 lockdowns the teachers have not had the sufficient time to work with learners to prepare them to share their learning goals and progressions with their families.
With less than a week till learning pathway conferences we have had to make some adjustments to what will be shared.
What will be the same:
Children will share how they learn best at school
Share their team space with their parents e.g. show off work that they have done and where learning occurs
Teachers and the children will share with parents - about relationships and happiness at school ( Older children e.g. Totara, Puriri and Rimu will complete a sociogram with all children to identify friendships and relationship strengths and challenges)
How you can support your child at home- teacher conversations
Information about where your child is working at- any concerns- extension needed
What will be different:
Journals and progressions will not be shared with children in the usual way- some teams will share them to explain the purpose and what they will be used for going forward
Next steps will not be able to be articulated by children
Teachers will spend more time with families - more teacher support than child driven.
A focus on the Key Competencies ( Thinking, Understanding, Managing Self and Participating and Contributing)
Please note that these are for a 15 minute time slot per student and that each child must attend with their parent/s.
Look forward to seeing you all next week.
Learning Conferences
School closes @ 12:40pm for all children on Wednesday 17 March
SKIDS will be open from 12:40pm so if you need to book your child/ren in please go to and book it as a "Special Day"
Thank you to those parents who have made Conference bookings.
If you have yet to do so please click here to go to the School Interviews website,
If you have any problems or questions please contact Linda or Liz in the school office.
Booking will close on Friday 12 March.
Bayfield Hoodies - Orders close today 10 March
Disruption to Years 3-6 Swimming Programme due to Lockdowns
Due to the last 2 lockdowns our swimming programme has been disrupted.
We are working with the Tepid Baths to see if make up lessons can be arranged.
The Swimming costs have been taken off Kindo for Years 5-6. For those parents who had paid:
Years 3-4 All parents who paid or part paid for these before the 19th February have been refunded by Kindo. Please note this refund has been credited to your Kindo Account.
A new fee has been added to your child’s Kindo account for the one weeks swimming lessons completed during the week of the 22nd February. Prompt payment is appreciated.
Years 5-6 All parents who paid or part paid for these before Tuesday 2nd March have been refunded by Kindo. Please note this refund has been credited to your Kindo Account.
A new fee will be applied to your account upon completion of any future swimming lessons, held between the 8th -12th March pending on Alert Levels.
Sports Uniforms & House Tshirts
Thank you to those parents who completed the survey. We have enough interest to proceed with the sale of polo’s, shorts, skorts & house t shirts. These are now available to purchase via KIndo. Samples are available in the school office to check sizing.
Polo’s $45 Skorts $35 Shorts $25
House T shirts $25
Last day to order is Friday 26 March
Some reminders of what is happening this term and meet the team presentations for your review.
Feedback Meet the Team
Could you please take the time to fill in our meet the team survey- we are interested in feedback from those who attended and would like some information on why families did not attend.
Please click on the team presentations for Meet the Team 2021
Pohutukawa (Year 3)
Rimu (Year 5)
Puriri ( Year 6)
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