Bayfield School Newsletter - Wednesday 24 March 2021

 Bayfield School Newsletter - Wednesday 24th of March

Inspired Today-Prepared for Tomorrow

Dates to Remember

Easter Holidays - Friday 1 April - Tuesday 6 April

Rescheduled Events

Let’s Get Inspired- Moved to Thursday 14th of May - due to challenges with trying to book activities in term 1. 

BCG meeting - Monday 12th of April

A word from Kerri 

Trips and parent help

School trips and events are a very important part of our school life and provide excellent opportunities for learning outside the classroom.  Each term we are challenged with finding parents to help us on these trips, as we are guided by health and safety ratios and need additional adults to make these trips work.

Our learnings from this term:

Giving enough time for parents to get time off.

On our fridge list we have all trips listed (within reason as some trips are booked within the term), but parents may not be aware that we need help. 

For Term 2 , we will send a google form where parents can indicate if they can help on the trips we have pre booked and then teachers can confirm with parents in a timely manner, so that parents can be organised and book leave etc. This will allow a greater number of working parents to attend trips.

Backu for when parents pull out of helping at the last minute.

The google form will allow us to create a list of backup parents.  We often have parents decide/let us know that they are unable to help with the trip at very short notice.  This leaves teachers in the unenviable position of trying to find last minute help. If we do not have the correct number of adults, a trip could be cancelled.

What it means to be a parent help

One thing we have learned this term is that we need to be clear around the role of parent helpers on trips.  At times we feel many parents are unsure of their role and the need to supervise and control the group of children that they are assigned too. For the future we will have clear guidelines to support parents to ensure that they are aware of their responsibilities. 

Sports Uniforms & House Tshirts - Orders close this  Friday 26 March

If your child is going to be playing netball or hockey for the school they will need a polo and skort. To ensure that we have the uniforms in time for the beginning of the netball and hockey seasons you need to order/purchase now

These are now available to purchase via Kindo.  Samples are available in the school office to check sizing.

Polo’s $45 Skorts $35 Shorts $25 House T shirts $25

Meet the

Team feedback

Thank you to the parents who completed the Meet the Team feedback. It was very valuable and some themes were as follows:

  • Very informative

  • Great to hear about high expectations

  • Great to meet the teachers and hear about the overview of the school day and the learning

  • Great tips about how to support my child with their learning

  • Very informative and structured- so good to know how it all works and see how the teams work.

  • Time was challenging for many families with child care

We worked on the structure to ensure we gave parents as much information as we could about the year. The turn out and the numbers were very low, so we will review the timing for 2022 and see how we can support more families to attend.

School Swimming Sports 


Thank you so much for all of those who have offered to help with Swimming Sports next Tuesday. We are still short on helpers for our year 5 and 6 event in the afternoon so if you could please consider helping out for a couple of hours it would be appreciated. Please email Jane:  


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