Bayfield School Newsletter - Wednesday 16th of June
Bayfield School Newsletter - Wednesday 16th of June
Inspired Today-Prepared for Tomorrow
Dates to remember
Paid Union Meeting (PUM) - Tuesday 22nd June
Bayfield @ the Movies - Sunday 20th June - info below
BCG Meeting - Monday 21st June - 6:45pm
Change of Date (due to Basketball) Hui and Fono moved to Thursday 24th June - 6:30pm
Photolife (Class, Portraits & Siblings) - Wednesday 30th June
Paid Union Meeting
On Tuesday the 22nd of June 1:30-2:20pm, all teachers are invited to attend the paid union meetings.
Children will be supervised by the staff who are not attending the union meeting. If you are able to or want to pick your child up at 1:30pm that day, please let Linda in the office know.
Sunday, June 20, 3pm at Capitol Cinema (610, Dominion Rd, above Clip N Climb)
Please use the link below to purchase tickets
Maximum tickets: 130. Tickets available until sold out or 2.30pm June 20.
No door sales, no refunds.
All tickets $12 per person (includes choice of popcorn or ice cream).
Non-allocated seating. Children can sit with their friends.
Younger siblings welcome but please see the trailer before purchasing tickets for younger siblings.
Parents/caregivers can wait in the foyer whilst the kids enjoy the movie.
Hui and Fono - 24 June @ 6:30pm in school hall
The Hui and the Fono meeting is held every year for the parents of our Māori and Pacific Island children.
At this meeting we share the plans and actions we have taken in the previous year, the goals for 2021 and then ask parents to share their aspirations and thoughts about how we can continue to improve our support of tangata whenua and pacific peoples.
This year we are combining the two meetings into one.
On the night
Kapa Haka performing
Bring a plate for a shared dinner
Share your thoughts and ideas about how we can best support and promote Te Reo, Tikanga and our Pacific learners.
Children are welcome to be a part of this evening, so bring them along.
Calling helpers for sewing of Kapa Haka skirts
We need help from parents to sew some simple A-Line skirts for our kapa haka uniform.
If you would be able to help us out with these please email Linda
Progressive Achievement Assessment Data
Every year our Years 3-6 students sit the Progressive Achievement Tests (PATs) in Mathematics and Listening Comprehension. These assessments are norm-referenced assessments that show how students are achieving compared to others of the same age group at a given point and provide results in stanines.
Stanine 9 is the highest and stanine 1 the lowest. The average range for students is from stanine 4 - 6. Over the next few weeks the Year 3-6 teams will be posting this data in Hero for you to see how your child performed in these tests.
Below is a diagram showing how stanines are distributed and below that is our overall data for Bayfield Maths and Listening Comprehension.
Bayfield results: The results below compare what percentage of Bayfield students are at each stanine - the percentage in brackets represents the national % for all children. As you will see our children are out performing the national average, especially in the higher stanine areas.
Bayfield results
The tests are multi-choiced timed tests which run between 25 and 45 minutes depending on the year level of the student. All tests were conducted on a device in 2021.
It is important to remember that these results are based on students’ performance on one day. In order to make informed decisions about students' learning needs, these results need to be supplemented with information from past assessments, ongoing teacher observations and the day to day classroom work of individual students.
Photolife - Wednesday 30 June
Class, Portrait & Siblings photos will be taken
Sibling photos require a permission form to be completed & returned before 0 June
Permission forms are available at the school office.
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