
Showing posts from July, 2020

Bayfield School Newsletter - Wednesday 22nd of July

Bayfield School Newsletter - Wednesday 22nd of July Inspired Today-Prepared for Tomorrow Term 3 Dates to remember: Learning Conferences Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th of July BCG meeting Monday 27th of July 6:45pm Y6 Camp and Y5 EOTC week 31 August - 4th of September Value this week Diversity- Kanorau We appreciate the individual uniqueness and differences, by being inclusive  and treating everyone kindly. A Word from Kerri A warm welcome back to Term 3. It is an exciting term and we are looking forward to having, hopefully, a “normal” uninterrupted school term. As we return to school, we are continually aware of the ongoing impacts of the pandemic on our country and our community. We are yet to see the full economic impact and know that many businesses and families will be facing closure and unemployment as the year progresses.  As a school we are making sure that children and staff are supported with their well being and Claire Turner, has been working ...

News from Kerri - Final notice Term 2 2020

Dear parents and caregivers We are finally at the end of a very long term, and we want to wish the staff and community a restful and enjoyable holiday. We look forward to seeing you all back for term 3 and hopefully our first undisrupted term of the year! Take care and if you are travelling, travel safely. Below are a few final updates to prepare for term 3. Staffing Update We would like to welcome back Victoria Caughey to Bayfield for Term 3. Victoria worked at Bayfield until 2017, and is returning for the rest of this year to work in the Titoki team, specifically in the Titoki iti space.  Liz Tidswell, who has been working with the Totara and Kowhai team is going to also join the Titoki iti team on Fridays. Fridge list We will be sending this out via email tomorrow.  We do hope that you find this helpful and it helps both the school and community to be better organised as we move into term 3. Please continue to check the school website calendar for additions, cancel...